The final instalment of The Infernal Devices follows the London Institute as they race to save Tessa from Mortmain and his automatons. The Infernal Devices is a series that gets better with each book and Clockwork Princess was definitely my favourite. Cassandra Clare knows how to keep her readers hooked until the end! This book broke my heart but it had the most perfect epilogue of any book I've ever read.
Ruin and Rising (The Grisha #3) by Leigh Bardugo (4/5*s)
In the last book of The Grisha Trilogy, Ruin and Rising follows Alina as she hunts for the last of the amplifiers in an attempt to save Ravka from The Darkling. I didn't enjoy Ruin and Rising as much as Siege and Storm, but I still enjoyed it. It was full of twists and turns that I didn't see coming and it kept me guessing until the very end. Again, this was another book where I actually enjoyed the epilogue - although I can see why a lot of people didn't!
City of Heavenly Fire (The Mortal Instruments #6) by Cassandra Clare (5/5*s)
City of Heavenly Fire is the last book in The Mortal Instruments series and continues the battle against Sebastian and his endarkened Shadowhunters. This is my favourite book from the series, purely because it introduced the characters from The Dark Artifices! I also loved the links to The Infernal Devices and the inclusion of Jem - my favourite character from the Shadowhunter world.
Tales From The Shadowhunter Academy by Cassandra Clare (3.5/5*s)
Tales From The Shadowhunter Academy is a series of short stories following Simon on his quest to become a Shadowhunter. To be honest, these stories were either a hit or a miss. I feel like Cassandra Clare tried to include too many characters from her series, which made it feel a bit forced and slightly like a bad fanfic.
Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices #1) by Cassandra Clare (4.5/5*s)
Lady Midnight is the third series to take place in the Shadowhunter world, focusing on Emma Carstairs as she searches to find out who killed her parents 5 years ago. There's so much I could say about this but basically I loved it. I loved all the characters, especially Julian, and I love the forbidden love arc. I can't wait to see where this series goes!
And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie (5/5*s)
And Then There Were None follows 10 people, each with their own secret, as they attend a dinner party on a private island and are killed off one-by-one. This was my first Agatha Christie novel and I was so impressed by it. I loved finding out about the secrets the characters had and reading about their increasing paranoia surrounding the murders. I had no clue who the murderer was until the last chapter, which made the whole book really exciting!
The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Maston (5/5*s)
The Unexpected Everything is centred around Andie and the political scandal that derails her Summer. This books is the perfect Summer read and it has everything you could possibly wish for - family, friends, politics, love interests, dogs and fake fantasy novels. I really connected to Andie and I loved reading about her relationship with Clark! I also enjoyed her developing relationship with her father and how they re-connected.
The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton (4/5*s)
The Miniaturist is set in Amsterdam in the 1680s and follows 18 year old Nella as she begins her new life as a wealthy merchant's wife. However, her life drastically changes when she is sent miniature items for a cabinet replica of her new home which mirrors her new life in an eerie way. This book was a strange one, but one I enjoyed nonetheless. I was hooked from the first page, and reading the first chapter back after finishing the book only added to the experience. However, it's very open to interpretation (I still don't know what happened) which can be slightly annoying!
The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton (4/5*s)
The Miniaturist is set in Amsterdam in the 1680s and follows 18 year old Nella as she begins her new life as a wealthy merchant's wife. However, her life drastically changes when she is sent miniature items for a cabinet replica of her new home which mirrors her new life in an eerie way. This book was a strange one, but one I enjoyed nonetheless. I was hooked from the first page, and reading the first chapter back after finishing the book only added to the experience. However, it's very open to interpretation (I still don't know what happened) which can be slightly annoying!